Tuesday 30 June 2020

Click stunning travel photographs with your smartphone camera

There are plenty of things you can do, both at home and at your destination, to make your travel photography a fun and creative experience. Research, planning, and practice will ensure that you not only make the most of your photo opportunities but create them as well, resulting in more and better pictures.

Taking photos with a smartphone’s camera is no different from using any other type of camera. Apply the same basic photography skills as you do when you’re using a compact or DSLR. Poor technique by the camera-phone owner plays a big part in the success or otherwise of the outcome. As with all cameras, the aim is to get the most out of the equipment you’ve got by working within its limits.

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Internationally renowned travel photographer Richard I’Anson shows you how to avoid common photography mistakes and to develop your compositional and technical skills as a photographer. The following suggestions will help you get the best out of your smartphone camera:

1.If you have the choice set the smartphone’s camera resolution to the highest setting. Images will take longer to save and send but they will be the best quality your device can deliver. Shoot raw, if it’s offered, if you have the interest, time, and ability to process the files using image editing software.

2. When composing your shot make sure the lens has focused on the subject. If not recompose until focus is correct. Alternatively, touch your desired focus point on the screen and the lens will focus there.

3. Avoid using digital zoom. Move closer rather than zoom if your smartphone does not have the optical zoom feature. When you pinch the screen to zoom on a camera with the digital zoom you are effectively cropping the image, reducing the resolution, and often degrading the image file quite dramatically.

4. Smartphones have two cameras; one on the front and one on the back. The back camera is the better one with significantly higher resolution. The main consequence of this is that selfies are not as clear and sharp as they could be.

via Lonely Planet India

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