Friday 10 April 2020

You can travel anywhere via mental vacations

Ever since the lockdown happened, Shifa Merchant has been staying home- like almost everyone across the world. Those close to the avid traveller wonder how someone like her who seemed to be at a new destination every other day is coping with this, but Shifa is far from perturbed.  “That’s because I always strive to look at the positive side of things and have found a way out- by taking mental vacations,” she says.

For those not in the loop, mental vacations are exercises that transport you to a dream destination, and what’s more, let you enjoy it almost like an actual, realistic experience. “So, one day I could be in Italy, the next day in Mauritius and the third, someplace close to home like Ladakh- not just places I’ve visited lately but also those on my bucket list,” explains Shifa adding that these mental vacations are perfect for these stay-home times. “They not just calm the mind but also fill you with hope that this too shall pass”.

“Mental vacations are a great way to reduce the carbon footprint and to consequently heal the Earth,” says Pankaj Chadha, fashion designer. From his days at Delhi’s NIFT, Pankaj remembers lectures that encouraged students to imagine situations- be it a day in the snow or the mountains or beaches as part of their meditation sessions. He has since continued to programme his mind to create happy situations to “seek shelter” from any stress. “Everyone needs to start doing these exercises, for, the art of travelling (mentally) will go a long way in having a positive effect on your mind,” adds Pankaj who has just finished ziplining over the majestic Angkor Wat with his mind’s eye several times this afternoon.

Dr Sujatha Sharma, clinical psychologist, often conducts “guided imagery sessions” with her clients with trips not just to happy occasions like birthdays or weddings but also to different destinations. “In times like these when travelling anywhere is a complete no-no, creative day dreaming helps,” she states. “I tell people to recreate the joys of places they have already visited and have the same fun again with the help of a mental vacation.”

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via Lonely Planet India

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