Saturday 25 April 2020

Weirdest foods to go past mouth

I was never the sort of kid to put cockroaches, snails, soil or even ants in my mouth in a fit of curiosity. My parents did not have to be on constant vigil to stop me from eating chalk, or licking at toothpaste, and yet people say I have a weird taste in food items. Let me put it this way: I am an adventurous foodie, and will not shy away from eating most stuff unless it’s raw or, well, just plain icky. And to this end, I went to Thailand and Cambodia, seemingly on a fun and heritage trip, but actually on a mad food adventure. We had already decided to consume at least one adventurous meal a day, but as it turned out we tried out some of the weirdest items on the menu throughout the trip and lived to tell the tale.

Go on, read ahead and decide, if you would like to taste any of these on your trip to Thailand and Cambodia as soon as travel restores:

Blood Sausage: The mere mention of blood sausage would have sent me into a tizzy before I visited Cambodia, but now I am pretty okay with it all. I had a blood sausage broth one night in Bangkok, and although I couldn’t bring myself to bite into the curdled blood, mixed with spices and cut into pieces, the broth was pretty tasty. Maybe a 3 or a 4 on a scale of 1-10.

Alligator: Tasted like lamb, and unless someone told me I would not have been able to identify the meat as that of a swamp dweller. It tasted clean and fresh, and since it was barbecued it was pretty juicy as well. This is something I would love to try again. A 5 on the scale.

Snails: A plateful of steaming hot snails can really hit the spot on a rainy evening in Siem Reap. Tossed with a few vegetables and some spices, this dish was a big hit among locals as far as we could see, and so we decided to order one. It was pretty good; you have to dislodge the snail from the shell with a toothpick and then suck on it to get to all the juices inside. Ummmm, yummy! Wasn’t much weird, though, a 6 on the scale.

Also Read: Heritage arts & crafts of India

Also Read: Ayurvedic cuisine- the road to immunity


via Lonely Planet India

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