Tuesday 7 April 2020

Five everyday kitchen ingredients to boost immunity

These everyday ingredients are great to boost immunity. Use them as per taste in your meals and kick start your journey towards good health.


Ginger contains special natural properties which help keep one away from allergies, especially related to cold and cough. It also helps in digestion and protects from various infections, thus naturally becoming an immunity booster.

Ginger can be used while preparing everyday meals; can also be added in beverages like tea.


Garlic is the one-man army which can fight several infections as it contains antiviral and anti-fungal properties. It improves the cell functioning by keeping them active.

Garlic is best consumed raw but many people do not prefer the smell. It can be used in everyday meals.


Vitamin C is a great immunity booster, but equally important is the vitamin E as it is a powerful antioxidant. It is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Eat a handful of almonds in the morning for best results. Other dry fruits and nuts can also be added.


Pure honey benefits the health in many ways. It contains strong antioxidants and prevents cell damage making the immune system strong.

A spoonful of honey in warm water works wonders. Otherwise use honey in dishes as a replacement for sugar wherever possible.


Turmeric is a great natural immunity booster which is used in the kitchen while preparing everyday meals. It fights any inflammation and prevents several infections and joint pain.

Add a little bit to your vegetable preparations for lunch and dinner and it will do you good.

Other than the above mentioned ingredients, citrus fruits containing Vitamin C are a great immunity booster. Add them in your daily meals as well.

via Lonely Planet India

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