Friday 24 April 2020

An account of backyard birding during lockdown

Taking inspiration from the world of cinema and entertainment has always been the case for a movie buff like me. So while watching a series called “Tales from the Loop” on Amazon Prime, one of the characters explained “They are a window into a world that’s right next to ours. The way they look, their unique calls. They are perfect”. The character was referring to birds and this is when we realized that we had been shutting out that window and complaining about a world filled with darkness, speaking metaphorically.

Spring chronicles: The Crow

Everyday a crow-couple worked tirelessly to build a nest outside our bedroom window. I had only read about the intelligence of this species until now, the kind of scrap and material it brings from around and the steps it takes to make its nest is like an engineering marvel. I took pictures at various stages from building the nest, laying the eggs to the hatching. I loved capturing each moment, as it involved a lot of guise and patience to avoid disturbing the crow and its young ones. I did realize that the crow was just like me, making sure it only went out for food and essentials and made sure the loved ones stayed home.

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Summer playground for the tiny-tots: Sparrow

via Lonely Planet India

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