Thursday 19 March 2020

Staying safe everywhere: Do’s and don’ts to follow

With the deadly coronavirus declared as a pandemic, most of the countries have advised their residents to stay home in order to control the spread of the COVID-19. While practising self-isolation is helpful, there are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFA) has issued the following tips to follow.


-Wash your hands frequently. Although it is a general instruction and the practice of washing hands is a healthy one regularly, it is time to take it more seriously. It is suggested that everyone should keep washing their hands frequently and thoroughly for at least about 20 seconds. Washing hands with soap or sanitising them regularly is a healthy option.

-Cover your nose/mouth while sneezing. You may or may not be carrying any germs, but when sneezing or coughing it is decent to cover your nose and mouth in order to keep the surroundings healthy.

-Throw the used tissues in covered bins. You might be using tissues for personal hygiene. Disposing them in a proper manner is also extremely important. The used tissues should be immediately disposed in covered bins.

-Seeing a doctor immediately on discovering symptoms is advisable. If you feel unwell, have fever or face difficulty in breathing, you should immediately see a doctor. Wearing a mask to cover your mouth and nose is advisable.

-Avoid participating in large gatherings. It has been noticed that the virus has more chances of spreading from one person to another in places where a large number of people have gathered. It is best to avoid participating in large gatherings for a short while, till the threat no longer exists.


-Have close contact with anyone, if you’re facing breathing difficulties or suffering from cold/cough.

-Touch your eyes, nose or mouth frequently.

-Spit in public.

Further in the instructions, the Indian government has asked all the residents beyond the age of 65 years (with exceptions for government officials, healthcare employees etc) to stay inside their homes, as they are more prone to catching the disease due to poor immunity.

These instructions have been issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India.

via Lonely Planet India

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