Saturday 21 March 2020

Janata Curfew: How to make the most of it

In the latest update to the coronavirus outbreak in India, a new initiative of imposing a curfew on self has been taken by the government. All Indians have been asked to stay indoors as a part of a ‘self-imposed Janata Curfew’ on Sunday, March 22nd from 7 AM to 9 PM and add strength to fight against the coronavirus.

The Delhi Metro Rail Services will also remain closed on 22nd March in wake of the Janata Curfew.

While remaining indoors could sound boring, if the day is well-planned, one can make the most of it. Here are a few activities suggested to keep you busy and entertained.

Binge watch movies

You may be wanting to binge watch movies on Netflix but never get a chance. Well, now it is! Update your watchlist and get that big bowl of popcorn ready for a day dedicated to movies.

Explore your love for reading

That smell of books might have long been forgotten by you. Pick those interesting books from the shelf and explore your love for reading. You won’t know how the day passed!

Wear the apron

Enough with online deliveries and restaurant menus! Wear the apron and be the chef for yourself and/or family for this day. Passion for cooking will find its way in the kitchen as you chop and churn.

Play board games with your kids

When was it the last time you played a board game with your child? Introduce your kids to the board games you used to play and relive your childhood with them. This is a great way of spending quality family time with your kids.

Take a flexibility test

Yes, hitting the gym, going for zumba is all fine, but the real flexibility test lies in practicing yoga. Surf the internet and pick some interesting videos teaching yoga for beginners and replicate them. The ‘Surya Namaskar’ could be your examiner!

Go for a digital party

Pick your phone and connect with friends and family over video calls. Know what’s going on with them and share what you’re doing to make this day interesting and fruitful. By all means, it’s an opportunity to get in touch with old friends over phone and revive some memories.

via Lonely Planet India

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