Tuesday 31 December 2019

From our Editor: Let travel transform your life…

Can it? It can. Because, when you travel right, it changes the way you’ve lived thus far, and changes the perspective with which you will approach your days to come.

Our 50+ travel goals this issue are all very different. Some of them gently challenge our physical limits, others tease the boundaries of our comfort zones. A few are sure to make serious demands on our bank balances. As you read through them, you will find goals that are easily achievable, others that will take a bit of planning, some you might be doing already. All of them are meant to invite us to look again at the experiences we would like to add to our lives. 

Perhaps you’d like to look polar bears in the eye from within a massive buggy in Churchill, Canada. Witness the migration of the wildebeest (with zebra and crocs as co-travellers) in Africa. Choose to visit a little-explored part of Japan – Tohoku is, incidentally, one of Lonely Planet’s Top 10 regions for 2020. Seek out the ancient port of Muziris near Kochi, Kerala. Or, so exciting, actually plan 10 days in Brazil with Kaushal Karkhanis, who has spent much of his recent life immersing himself in South America. 

It could be simpler aspirations too – to eat unusual foods in India or forage for your supper across the world, find your dancing feet in a different part of the world, look down from great heights, or spend the night in the jungle – or on a luxury train right here in the sub-continent. Whatever your threshold of adventure, these travel goals will spark off a thirst to add a new dimension to your travel calendar. These suggestions are just the beginning! Write in and tell us what we’ve inspired!

– Primrose Monteiro-D’Souza

via Lonely Planet India

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